Friday, December 10, 2010


When I was reading my classmate’s blog, this commentary caught my attention because Mexico is very close to Texas and also because Mexico is in a very ugly situation right now. Apparently the ambassador of Mexico is not really sure about what is going to happen in Mexico, and I think they are just trying to say they have everything under control when they really don’t. Claudia mentions the number of deaths in Mexico and I think this is the first example that the president and government are not doing things right. I am from the middle part of Mexico and am actually surprised we still don’t have drug related violence in my hometown.  This situation in my country makes me really sad and also makes me think about the old days when people felt safe in Mexico.

Apparently governments from Mexico and the USA are trying to fight against this drug war.   Many people are affected and I think this is a problem that begins in the homes of every citizen. Parents need to be responsible for their children.  In the US, people need to really teach their children about the dangers of doing drugs.   In Mexico, people need to teach their children that entering the drug business will only result in problems for them and their family.   This is the only way to truly stop this horrible problem because if not, this problem is going to be even worse over time. I think the problem that Mexico is facing is not only about drug dealing; it is more about who has the power of the drug business. Many people think that governments in Mexico are trying to stop the drug problem but sadly many of them are in the business, which makes this problem worse. Hopefully Mexico can work to a solution for all this violence.  My classmate’s blog talks about the current drug problem and everyone should read the important points she makes.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

250% :o

I found a very interesting article in The Texas Tribune.  The article “Accidental Overdoses Increase by 250% in Texas” caught my attention because it talks about how legal prescription drugs when they are not being used correctly can cause accidents and how this numbers have been increasing over the years. The Drug Policy Alliance research shows that both in Texas and nationally, legal prescription drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone and Xanax contributed to more overdose deaths than illicit drugs, and this surprised me even more.  Lawmakers in Texas are trying to pass laws to prevent this number from going even higher.  One of the bills allows for regulation and investigation of clinics and, starting in September of this year, required them to be state certified. I totally agree with this bill because this is the only way they can control this problem.  Having uncontrolled drug users will cause more accidents. Another proposed bill is to give the citizens the access of more information about naloxone, a a prescription drug made to reverse the effects of overdose from drugs like heroin, OxyContin, Vicodin and other opiates. I think this is a great idea because many users of these drugs can really benefit from naloxone. Another proposed bill is the Good Samaritan law.  This proposed law allows people to call the authorities when somebody has overdosed without fear of getting accused of being drug users themselves.  This is a very good idea because a lot of people are afraid to call the police or simply because a lot of people don’ know what to do when things get out of control. Many citizens do not know the risks of overdose prescription drugs. I think it is very important for the government to be able to control and inform citizens about the risks of using these medications.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Texan Blog "Bring books not guns"

I agree with the post "Bring books not guns" that legally allowing people to carry guns on college and university campus is not correct or a safe way to avoid future problems with emergencies that may occur.  I believe that calling for guns in a campus will follow to more violence, more misunderstandings, and more confusion.  As Adam writes, having many guns in campus can also lead to confusion and possibly even more tragedies since guns are dangerous weapons that can cause harm that cannot be reversed.  Analyzing the way people acted in a situation like the one in The University of Texas is an excellent way to see the problem.  Some people argue that if people were allowed to carry guns someone could have shot the shooter before he caused any harm.  I believe that the opposite would actually happen.  If any person could carry a gun instead of only the campus and city police officers who are trained to act in these type situations, there would be incredible confusion that would probably result in more deaths.  As we can imagine, once everyone started shooting in the confusion, how is anyone supposed to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys?  Also, if a good guy gets hurt or shoots someone they are not supposed to by accident, would the college or university then be responsible for the action?  It is better to only let trained officers hold and use the guns because then there would be no question of who the good guys are and also who would be responsible if the wrong people get shot.

Adam also mentions how people would not feel safe in a campus full of guns. I agree because university campuses are full of many pressures for students, faculty and staff.  If someone is upset and already has a gun with them, there would be temptation to solve a problem with that gun.  This is potential violence that could not be reversed.  Allowing anyone to carry a gun on a university campus is not a good idea.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cutting the education budget

A possible 18 billion-budget cut is what Texas is facing. State leaders are promising that there is not going to be a raise in taxes.  The reality is that they are going to cut budgets in some departments like education. Many teachers in the state are not surprised about these budget cuts. Some of them are trying to be positive and say that they will try to educate their students no matter what the budget is. Sadly, many educational employees will lose their jobs and this would affect our children directly. Having more than 40 kids in one class is definitely not a good idea.

Many teachers are expressing concerns about using textbooks that are out of date and also about not getting enough technology in the classrooms to teach kids effectively.  They are concerned that if other countries are providing technology to their students they are going to be ahead of our students. This is a big concern for citizens and also should be a concern for our government. Not educating our children for a competitive world will affect the country in the future. If we don’t have prepared citizens then our economy will not be able to remain competitive. The government needs to find a way to improve our state education and by cutting budget this is not going to be possible. Since our community is growing we need to make sure we are ready to educate more kids at all levels by having better books, better supplies, and also better prepared teachers.

Monday, October 18, 2010

“Keep Rose, Maldonado in Texas House"

“Keep Rose, Maldonado in Texas House” is and article from a recent edition of the Austin American Statesman. The article explains that State Representatives Patrick Rose and Diana Maldonado have been working for our state and also the probabilities of them staying in the Texas House of Representatives. Both are Democrats and are trying to work with voters in Texas. Maldonado as the first Representative discussed.  She is an incumbent from District 52 who has been trying to secure money for higher education, and this gives her better opportunities with the citizens. Rose is a big dreamer who believes in Texas and thinks that Texas can grow even more. The author believes these two candidates are good for the Texas House and believes that they should remain because they have demonstrated that their work and their ideas are important for Texas. I agree with this idea.  Since these two Democrats are really working for the state they should stay longer. The author also talks about the challengers for each incumbent. Maldonado’s opponent Republican Larry Gonzales who is a good candidate but Maldonado has more experience and her background as school board member, and as a veteran agency employee gives her a valuable perspective.  I also agree with this.  It is s going to be hard for the challenger because her background demonstrates to the citizens that she is more interested about people’s needs. Republican Jason Isaac is Rose’s opponent.  He is running his candidacy on the promise to cut taxes.  He has a tough battle because Rose has proven that he is important for the people and that is a very important reason in people’s voting decision. I agree with the author that Representatives Rose and Maldonado should stay in office for more time in order for them to continue their good work and bring even more benefits to the people that have elected them.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Taking government to people.

 “Mayor has the right idea by taking city government to the people” an opinion from the Austin American Statesman. In this opinion, they are discussing the decision of the mayor about moving the Thursday’s city council meeting from the city hall to George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center in East Austin. The author believes this is a good idea because this can make government more interesting for the citizens. This meeting is going to be moved every now and then to different locations around the city so people near those locations can participate in the meetings by attending to give their opinion on issues like water conservation, parks, safety and the city budget. The author also author mentions the cost of the movement of the meeting. Some people were criticizing this idea because city officials estimated the cost to $6,224 because it takes time away from city workers. The article states that the true cost is not going to exceed $400 since it is only going to take some of their time. The author agrees with this idea of getting the people closer to government. I agree with this idea.  It is very important that government encourages people to attend these meetings and participate in them. Moving the meetings to different locations will make easier for some citizens to get involved and also to look at government’s movements in a closer way. I also think it is good to know that the meetings are not a reason for spending a lot of money, having workers from the city doing them will save money and also will encourage citizens to feel more inspired by the workers.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hispanic-owned Business growth

A good article to read is “Texas ranks high in Hispanic-owned business growth,” in the Austin American Statesman. The number of Hispanic people in our state who own a business has incredibly increased. From 2002 to 2007 the number has increased 40% and in Austin, the number has increased by 49% with $1.5 million of revenue to the Austin economy. According to the Census Bureau's Survey of Business Owners, this Hispanic-owned business growth rate exceeded the national growth rate for all businesses of 18 percent. It also says that Hispanic business employed 26 percent more than the business overall. The nation’s economic census is done every five years and the 2007 survey includes data from more than 2.3 million businesses. This survey is very encouraging for Hispanics in Texas since we are ranked 3rd state with most Hispanic businesses with a 21% rate. This article is worth reading because it makes you realize how our state is growing and how our business are turning. For Hispanics, it is very important to read this kind of news because they see businesses that will provide services to Hispanics and also to know they have chances to own a business themselves.